this will make you want to get up and have a nice stretch
yoga provides relief from sitting as well as better standing posture
I should post this at my workshops 🙂
Hope to see you: Breathe With Purpose is around the corner at YOCOMO or, for my American friends, at Being And Breathing – South Bay Yoga Conference
Yoga therapy to calm the brain and other marvelous benefits:
The Benefits of Child’s Pose:
This photo shows me using the 3 Minute Egg as a fantastic prop to help get external rotation in the shoulders which is necessary for reverse namaskar arms. Great example of yoga therapy for those of us who sit at our computers!
“Back problems do not occur in a vacuum”
~ Mary Pullig Schatz, M.D. Back Care Basics
Learning to do yoga postures appropriately for your body is what Yoga Therapy is all about
Every yoga pose has a variety of effects on all the systems of the body.This variation of a high lunge is a great way to strengthen the quadriceps, stretch the iliopsoas and open the shoulders. You can strap the wrists or elbows and slide a wedge under the back foot too. Great energizing asana and helpful for balance.
Remember Jane Fonda ? She coined the phrase “no pain no gain”. Well, in your yoga practice, pain is not gain. Here are a few review tips for practicing pain-free yoga