




My relaxation practice shows me that renewal is possible.  Studies show that even 15 minutes a day can help you feel better physically, emotionally, and mentally.






Benefits of Relaxation:

– deepens your breathing,
– reduces stress hormones,
– slows down heart rate and blood pressure,
– relaxes your muscles
– increases energy and focus,
– combats illness,
– relieves aches and pains,
– heightens problem-solving abilities,
– boosts motivation and productivity
– increases happiness, by releasing dopamine, seratonin, oxytocin and other immunomodulators to change brain chemistry


Craving a Vacation? 10 Ways to Cultivate your Yoga Mind

Yoga Mind

Craving a Vacation? 10 Ways to Cultivate your Yoga Mind

published on Greenster

It’s Friday as I write this post.  The end of a typical workweek.

Yet, for many of us, Saturday and Sunday are far from mini-holidays. Thinking about this fact leads me to reflect on the concept of “time off”.  For parents with children, is there really such a thing?  If you’re self-employed, what does this expression actually mean? Some of us work, get groceries, cook, clean, do laundry, have family obligations–the to-do list is constant and never-ending. When we think of time off, we visualize taking a break from these daily activities and duties but by the weekend, when we have the “time off” work, we might have to pick up on some of the chores.

If you “can never relax”, as some people have expressed to me, then is time “off” really valuable or any different than time “on”?  As well, what are we taking time “off” from?  It seems to me that the expression is literally dependant on one’s mind-set. And that, dear friends, is what Yoga can help you with: a relaxed mind can travel through time and space with more ease.

How can Yoga help?  Many people turn to Yoga for “stress-management,” expecting yoga to take their stress away.  That may not happen, but Yoga can offer the best possible “time-off” in that it gives the thinking mind a little brain holiday. As Daniel J. Siegel says in The Mindful Brain, “Stillness is not the same as a void in activity, it’s more like a stabilizing strength”.  This calm inner center is what provides us with the ability to relax even when we are in the midst of taxing circumstances. That is the number one reason to cultivate what I like to refer to as “yoga mind”.

Your “yoga mind” is able to surf into stillness even when you are on-duty, and it becomes your essential tool.  I am not referring to ‘spacing out’, but rather, learning how to tame the mind, calm the chatter and experience newness within the daily flow.

Here are 10 ways to cultivate your yoga mind and incorporate the peaceful perspective into your week without getting on a plane (though that could be nice too!):

  1. Take a break from social media –whether the whole weekend or just part of it, in order to have a break, you need to create one!
  2. Turn your cell phone OFF (not to vibrate)
  3. Skip one thing in your routine and see if you miss it
  4. Try a new yoga posture
  5. Try a new pranayama
  6. Invest 15 minutes a day in relaxation
  7. Cut out one yoga posture from your daily flow or -try the same posture but in a different variation
  8. Take a break from sitting a lot by standing and shaking your legs out
  9. Periodically close your eyes or look away from the computer and take a few easy breaths
  10. Just sit quietly and follow your breath for 5 minutes

Photo Credit: Ian Bothwell

published January 30, 2013







savasana isn’t just the 15 minutes at the end of your yoga class, it is a stand-alone practice… why not create a window today?

Benefits of Relaxation:

– deepening your breathing,
– reducing stress hormones,
– slowing down heart rate and blood pressure,
– relaxing your muscles
– increases energy and focus,
– combats illness,
– relieves aches and pains,
– heightens problem-solving abilities,
– boosts motivation and productivity
– increases happiness, by releasing dopamine, seratonin, oxytocin and other immunomodulators to change brain chemistry

Starting a Relaxation Practice:

All you need is the desire or motivation! Even the most stressed out individual can learn how!  Rana Waxman can help you determine which techniques are best suited to you, and her Therapeutic Yoga Program is designed to help you learn a sustainable relaxation practice. Learn to move from GO GO GO to LETTING GO – it is vital to a healthy lifestyle.

free time and the modern yogi(ni)

“viveka-khyatir-aviplava hana-upayah”
“The means of attaining cessation is the unceasing vision of discernment” – Yoga Sutra 2:26

“The first thing to do is to introspect.  Take stock of yourself and your habits, and find out what is standing in your way” – Paramahansa Yogananda, Where There Is Light

“Stillness is not the same as a void in activity, it’s more like a stabilizing strength” – Daniel J. Siegel, The Mindful Brain

Time off is relative I think.  Some folks get an entire summer “off”, some take a week or 2, some have long weekends.  For parents with children, is there really such a thing?  If you are self-employed, what does this mini expression actually mean? Continue reading