Daily Inspiration




















Daily inspiration…Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything

“Deep breathing and yoga previously haven’t been taken seriously as healing cures, but a new medical study found tangible benefits to the practice of meditation, leading to fewer sick days and reduced anxiety. So why aren’t doctors prescribing it?” (exerpt from Time)

Of course I have written about this subject before, with a catchy byline about being a peaceful warrior instead of a nervous worrier. The bottom line is how you use your energy will define how you cope, how you perceive, how you perform. All styles of yoga are intended to bring about the sattvic, calm mind, what I call the YOGA MIND and a key component to all practices is mindfulness. (try my 5 minute mindfulness retreat)

And, guess what ?  Mindfulness has tons of rewards. “A new study from the University of Utah shows that individuals who describe themselves as being more mindful have more stable emotions and perceive themselves to have better control over their mood and behavior throughout the day. Higher mindful people also describe less cognitive and physiological activation before bedtime, suggesting that greater emotional stability during the day might even translate into better sleep. The study results will be presented later this month at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society”



Menu of The Day : Health and Wellness

Let’s start with a balanced yoga class. I teach today in Tenafly at 10:30 ( we may actually do some balancing poses!)  ~ and/or

Add a balanced breathing practice from my Yoga Mind cd at the end of the day to unwind after being so busy ~ and/or

Book a private yoga class with me to assess your needs and assist you in creating a personal practice and a balanced you
Menu of the day