Silence and the Modern Yogi

Your are saying to yourself “WHAT?” silence, what’s that – it’s for mystics and meditators not me, no time!
WRONG answer.  Here’s the thing.  I spent 3 years living underneath Mr. Motorcycle Boots and his girlfriend (she did file a restraining order on him but that is another subject) and their older dog, a boxer (these dogs have scratchy nails I am told).  Please do not think I am not an animal lover but the intermittent sleep thing created much dis-ease for me.  My theme, with the courtcase was “peaceable enjoyment”.  Now, out of that situation, new apartment, pretty quiet, sleeping well.  I can actually feel the benefits of quiet time.  And it got me thinking…so much more free energy, the ability to hear myself think, the ability to practice yoga and have an uninterupted meditation, what a luxury.  You are thinking “well she is lucky”…but again, here is the thing.  You can create more silence for yourself by turning off your cell for a minute (not vibrate-OFF) or opting to get into the car and not play music, or listen to a book on tape, or talk on the phone.  You can carve out 60 seconds, to hear not only yourself think, but take it a step further and listen to the “still voice within”- the wisdom voice that is the voice of instinct and intuition.  Try it. Disconnect. You will feel more plugged in.  I know it.

Rana Waxman Rana Waxman (819 Posts)

Rana Waxman is a registered yoga therapist ERYT-500, with 20 years of teaching experience. Rana is a freelance writer and social media expert in addition to leading yoga workshops internationally and teaching alignment focused private and group Yoga Lessons in Hoboken and Jersey City NJ.

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