Receive and Let Go

This photo is a beautiful embodiment of a quote I came across by Swami Chetanananda: receive and let go“It is surrender that allows a bigger person to emerge and to replace the smaller person you used to be, and this will happen over and over again as you grow.  By surrendering to the higher Force within you, you are releasing all tensions and allowing your creative energy to express itself”. We typically add to our already busy lives without subtracting, which just leads to more imbalance.  Today try releasing an old belief, acknowledge a habit that is not working for you, give away a piece of clothing that you do not wear.  Be open to let go and receive blessings and transformations in this new spacious awareness.  Start now with a short inhale and prolonged exhale…Let go let go let go 🙂

Rana Waxman Rana Waxman (819 Posts)

Rana Waxman is a registered yoga therapist ERYT-500, with 20 years of teaching experience. Rana is a freelance writer and social media expert in addition to leading yoga workshops internationally and teaching alignment focused private and group Yoga Lessons in Hoboken and Jersey City NJ.

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