Transformation and renewal through your yoga practice: My newsletter
It has some quick links for you, to video tips and basic info to help you spring forward with renewed energy
Transformation and renewal through your yoga practice: My newsletter
It has some quick links for you, to video tips and basic info to help you spring forward with renewed energy
Trying to force positivity may not work, but consistent yoga practice can certainly make you more resilient and prone to looking for the silver lining. Yoga is a mindfulness practice in itself, which science shows, changes brain chemistry…Try my 5 minute mindfulness retreat exercise and test it out!
“After eight hours of mindfulness practice, the meditators showed a range of genetic and molecular differences, including altered levels of gene-regulating machinery and reduced levels of pro-inflammatory genes, which in turn correlated with faster physical recovery from a stressful situation. ( Read on )”
In every pose, that which steadies is the breath. That being said, just because you are “deep breathing” doesn’t mean you are working within your safe stretching limits.
“the perfection of the body consists of (possessing) beauty, charm, strength, and the power of a thunderbolt” ~ Patanjali
Let us not forget discrimination, knowing how to listen to your body, your instincts and just practicality. Standing on your head, on a towel, with your neck bent in a tripod headstand (see below) not smart.
Learning how to do this posture to release tight upper trapezius and gain core strength ~ Ah, now there is a reason to learn yoga as therapy – not as fun/performance art…No offense Marilyn, but I would not be smiling in your set-up. If this sounds remotely practical and way more sensible you should contact me for private yoga lessons
“Learn to be calm and you will always be happy”
The message here is to find your own path to your inner peaceful center ~ a state where you are calm and can respond, rather than react, to the circumstances you are facing.
People sometimes think that they are breathing properly when in fact, their patterns of tension are restricting rather than rewarding. If you want to learn more about the yoga therapy of breathing click here
The most simple breathing practice for stress relief is to practice the Essential, Natural breath. For detailed instructions click here or contact me either to schedule a workshop at your yoga studio for CECs or a private yoga lesson to help you understand how you can improve your breathing and breathing posture
Do you walk a lot? Sit a lot? This is a photo of the classic lunge taken up a notch thanks to the Hoboken pier. (No, I don’t mean because of my jeans and coat 🙂 ) Actually the height of this rock helped to add length while keeping my knees safe. The jeans made it a little harder to get the back leg straight but that is ok; if you are at home, you can use a chair, placed against a wall instead – the variations in using yoga as therapy are endless, depending on who you are and what props you have available.
If you are doing a regular lunge, here are some steps to help you get into the pose:
From a standing forward bend you can bend your knees ,inhale, and step your left foot back toward the back edge of your mat, with the ball of the foot on the floor under the heel. Step back with enough distance so that your right knee can form a right angle.
Lengthen the torso. To soften your right groin, draw the thigh back. Look forward. Simultaneously, firm the left thigh and push it up toward the ceiling, holding the left knee straight. Stretch your left heel toward the floor.
Exhale and step your right foot back beside the left. Then repeat the above reversing sides. Finish in downward facing dog or another forward bend…
Yoga as Therapy tip of the day: Savasana – there are so many ways to set up for it. You really just need a 15 minute or so window. Many classes are run with 3-5 minute practices – this does not provide adequate rest to the body or nervous system; although it is a good idea to have a short ‘time-out’ after practice if you are then going to include a pranayama or meditation. You will go deeper; and remember – it is called “practice” so just look at it like that and enjoy 🙂
Yoga -Your opportunity For Growth And Awakening
As you get into tension areas in your body and start to undo the patterns that restrict your movement, a funny thing happens – you start to breathe better, feel more confident, respond better to daily stresses and challenges. If you are an athlete, you perform better, recuperate better. Heal. Reboot. Relax. Focus.
Yoga is like an open door into dimensions of yourself that you did not know, an opportunity to grow and awaken
A Yoga Mind Helps You React Less! A calm mind, some objectivity, and you should be good to go, empowered.
The state of Sattva, of balance is unveiled in peacefulness; some days we need to be extra vigilant. Two tracks you can try from my Yoga Mind cd are the Breathe For Balance and Keep Your Cool.
My Teacher always said “honor and accept” what is going on, but more as the Witness with a little objectivity. Sometimes we have a great yoga session and then once we are off the mat, get right back into the stress of it all. So practice going back to good vibes only during the day – even if you get off track, at least you know the direction you are heading. If you need a little help, I am available for private yoga classes – great way to maintain that calm, refreshed energy!
Yoga heals…
Nice quote to set up our weekend; In the space of relaxation, set your intention towards expansion and uplifted energy. Healing takes place in the body and the mind in savasana so make sure to include it in your practice. I have 2 options for you on my Yoga Mind cd