It’s ok to breathe and be too!
Category Archives: modern yoga wisdom
daily life as spiritual life
why worry
Brilliant quote, and true…worry breeds fear, and relaxation builds trust; for today’s practice try DIVING DEEPLY INTO RELAXATION
be the observer and the breather
anger management
Monday…take it on with a calm mind
and perhaps a little help from my Keep Your Cool meditation practice
thy will be done
“if it’s meant to be it will be”
meditations, along with mantra are soothing and calming to the nervous system
Warrior 3
Shop till you drop? Uh uh…The lines in the pose kind of merge with the horizon and the fence but I had fun trying Virabhadrasana 3. We definitely have to have a warrior spirit and a peaceful heart, plus be able to laugh at ourselves from time to time
Some benefits include:
Being strong
We tend to think of strength in terms of being tough or rigid, but the strength you cultivate in Yoga is fluid; I love this quote