
calm mind

Yoga In the Workplace

“If you will open up to being a source of integrity, vision, and intuition in your organization, you step into leadership regardless of what niche you occupy. Many people want to be instructed or reminded to take full ownership of these powers” – Gay Hendricks, PH.D.

“Daily meditation may improve performance at work and reduce stress”
– Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience

Join the growing trend of employers and establish an on-site stress management program. Through your pro-action in cultivating a healthy workforce you can lower health care costs and keep your employees motivated during these tough economic times. Current studies indicate that healthy employees are more productive and thus more profitable.

Burnout creates a host of expensive issues: Health claims, lost productivity and absenteeism cost Canadian businesses approximately $12 billion every year. Job related stress is responsible for 60% of employee absenteeism, as employees who report a high degree of stress in their lives miss double the amount of workdays as those who report low degrees of stress.

Studies indicate that for every dollar invested in workplace wellness, companies can expect $3 in cost savings or benefits.  Check: Conference Board of Canada/C. Cooper& R. Payne/U. of Michigan Research Centre/Conference Board of Canada)

Benefits of Corporate Yoga for Employees

For the MIND: A clear and relaxed mind is a focused one, able to make better decisions

For the BODY: Alleviate the strain and stress caused by common repetitive work-related tasks thus freeing up energy for creativity.

For the SPIRIT: Happier people result in a more harmonious and productive, respectful workplace. Positive people make positive choices.

Rana’s unique professional programs are tailored to your company’s needs. Rana’s inspired and skillful methods help to translate the benefits of a Yoga practice so that employees are given tools to use throughout their workday to stay energized, focused, positive and productive.


Corporate group

Workshop format

One-One yoga


It was a pleasure to meet you again leading the Yoga session for Novartis. Our associates have profited from the introduction and exercises. It was enrichment to our program, thank you! – Y.H.

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