Yoga Workshop to Support the Immune System In Jersey City
Yapana Restorative Yoga Therapy: This is a practice that uses a specific sequence of prop-supported yoga poses, called Being poses with purpose, intention and direction. Strategic support helps meet your body/mind where you are, supporting an enhanced immune system. Constant stress throws the body off, frazzles the nerves and makes us impatient, irritable and susceptible to compromised health. Let’s stimulate the rest and digest with a soothing practice that allows our adrenal glands to repair and our nervous system to reboot. All are welcome and will reap the benefits of the practice, whether you are a dedicated student, a yoga instructor interested in learning how to integrate restorative yoga therapy into classes or as a complete practice.
December is such a busy time of year, with holidays, travel, extra financial and social pressures. All can be exciting but as well, depleting to our immune system. Once you are at the level of “burnt out”, it is harder to get your health on track. The best thing you can give yourself, is the gift of renewed energy and a rebalanced mind set. To teach this, it is helpful to have experienced it first hand, therefore, this workshop will appeal to all, both teachers and students.
To register, click here (Yoga In The Heights) P.S. Sunday, the parking is free on streets
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