yoga silence quotes: city living is not silent…there is a beat to every city even at night. Sometimes the only opportunity to turn all the sounds off is during deep sleep when we unplug. There seems to be a lot of yoga classes where they play really loud music and I have tried to embrace it but can’t. I taught the other day and did not have my ipod on me and the student said it was fine, she was happy to hear the cues, directions, and her breathing. I like this quote because I think it is about balance. If you are always in noise, silence becomes unfamiliar and unfamiliar may not be comfortable. If you are always in quiet, then if there is noise, you may not be able to focus. I love yoga silence quotes because they appeal to my Yoga MInd, but I am just starting on Spotify, trying new music for the yoga classes where they prefer it…
Click the link below to listen to Rana Waxman’s playlist Rana yoga playlist on Spotify: