Yoga BREATHE…studies show that diaphragmatic breathing is associated with the relaxation response. Learning to breathe properly can lengthen life span, slow the heart rate, decrease blood pressure, and help you maintain a calm inner state during stressful situations.
Good breathing helps overcome headaches.
Good breathing helps restore emotional/mental balance.
Good breathing helps decrease anxiety and sleep disorders
Yoga RELAX…. studies show that regular practise of relaxation has numerous benefits:
Good breathing helps decrease anxiety and sleep disorders

Smoother heart rate, reduced blood pressure, stronger immune system, feelings of peace, satisfaction, tranquillity and improved performance in all aspects of daily life.
A relaxed mind is a centred mind,
A relaxed mind is able to observe without reacting
A relaxed mind is able to let go of worry and open up to creative thinking,
A relaxed mind is open to the present moment.
Yoga STRETCH. …Studies show that Hatha yoga, the yoga of the body has amazing health benefits.
Yoga creates a flexible body
Yoga builds a resilient and strong body
Yoga can help with cardiovascular endurance.
Yoga therapy can address special needs such as back pain, insomnia, headaches, hypertension, prostate/fertility concerns, psychosomatic illness, anxiety….