Just Learn To Breathe Properly

I have given many workshops on breathing, something I believe is so basic, yet often not practiced properly.

Breathing practice seems simple—you breathe in and you breathe out. However we tend to have patterns to our breathing that are personal – our posture, our circumstances, mind, emotions all help create them; and these patterns are often not the most beneficial to our health.   Many students coming to yoga classes have limited, or even unhealthy breathing patterns, and need basic breath training before moving on to more advanced yogic breathing practices.

The breath is

-a powerful tool to inducing greater relaxation and well-being,

-healthy breathing affects our long-term health/aging

-one of the subtlest and most effective doorways to connecting to Spirit or the sacred essence of who we are, which is at the heart of Yoga practice in general.

To learn, I have a host of zen ideas for you; you can check out my meditation tips in various articles, some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd; I try to adress basics in my public yoga classes in Tenafly or am available always for a private yoga class so we can work on your untangling your knots and improving your breathing togetherjust breathe:simple!


Calming the Mind Through Your Yoga Practice

This reminds me of a quote by B.K.S. Iyengar in Light on Life;  “when you cannot hold the body still, you cannot hold the brain still,  If you do not know the silence of the body, you cannot understand the silence of the mind”     

I am not one of those teachers who does headstands everywhere, but I do attempt to bring a calm mind to daily situations.  This may be due to my respect for a healthy neck!

Yoga helps cultivate a strong body and calmly positive mind-set, even and especially during tough times…As a yoga therapist I  work with your unique body in order to create conditions of comfort.

Most people walk around sleep deprived, with headaches, digestive problems and crankiness…That being said, not all stretching is created equal.  Yesterday I spoke about the hamstrings  and how you want to learn how to stretch safely in order to prevent injury. Unfortunately, I do get students who are already injured, and then the emphasis is on healing and rehabilitation which is another benefit to a yogatherapy practice.

Want to get started? I have a host of zen ideas for you -you can cultivate calm in my fantastic blend between a yoga session and a massage called Yapana® Stretch One on One.  Or ~ check out my meditation tips, some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd; I am also available in public yoga classes in Tenafly and available for private yoga classes.

calming the mind is yoga

Yoga For Inner And Outer Strength

Word of the day: PRATYAHARA  (Withdrawal of the Senses) The senses look outward and can be distracting and stress-inducing; learning to go within to find the calm inner sanctuary

A balanced practice cultivates both inner and outer strength; For this moment, check out some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd; then join one of my public yoga classes in Tenafly or book your private yoga class with me; we will build inner and outer strength which isn’t always what you predict it will be.

stillness amidst chaos

Being Light And Free Through Yoga

Word of the day – freedom or ‘jivan-mukta=living liberated; the one who is liberated and unagitated in daily life’ whether it is better range of motion for daily life or for your sport, a feeling of serenity during a busy day, the benefits to a consistent Yoga practice are fruitful.  Let’s work together to keep you feeling lighter and freer.  I have some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd; -or join one of my public yoga classes in Tenafly or book your private yoga class with me, we will work on your goals togetherbeing light and free

Yoga To Keep A Grateful and Prayerful Heart

Another snow day in New Jersey. Just gets me reflecting  on the idea of staying a calm centre no matter what is going on.  If you struggle with this, try my YOGA MIND cd for some great practices; 5 or 15 minutes can make a difference. When the weather passes, feel free to contact me here in Bergen County for a private yoga class – one of the best ways to practice YOGA since it personalizes all the benefits 

Stay calm, warm and safe and do a little practice to keep a grateful and prayerful heart

everyone in gratitude praying

The benefits of Consistent Yoga Practice

Consistent practice matters and the way you practice should heal (yogatherapy).  A consistent yoga practice helps and private classes help you stay consistent.  Check out my fantastic blend between a yoga session and a massage called Yapana® Stretch One on One.  Or ~ I teach a balanced practice where yes, you warm up, may sweat, but also build core strength and a supple body (flexibility plus joint stability).  We also learn the more subtle – I share tips some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd; -and join one of my public yoga classes in Tenafly or book your private yoga class with me, we will work on your goals together; find out who you are and how yoga therapy can help. For all the benefits click here 

keep knocking - Rumi

Choosing Health : Yoga as a Sustainable Option

What are your choices today?

I have a host of zen ideas for you -you can cultivate calm in my fantastic blend between a yoga session and a massage called Yapana® Stretch One on One.  Or ~ check out my meditation tips, some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd; -and join one of my public yoga classes in Tenafly or book your private yoga class with me, we will work on your goals together

I am choosing