Breathing: A Yogatherapy Perspective

breathe into this moment













The breath, from a yoga therapy perspective, is both tool and toolbox.

Read on : My latest blogpost is now available on MindBodyGreen “Why Breathing Isn’t As Easy As It Seems (And How To Do It With Intention)”

As always, I am available both for workshops and private yoga lessons and you can download further options on my Yoga Mind cd


start where you are


This is encouraging. A few people I have spoken to lately say they lack motivation. They all have different reasons. I think sometimes the projects we are trying to get motivation for are very big compared to the energy level we have. We spend so much time ‘doing’ What to do about bringing balance?

– You can try to sit quietly for a few minutes and unwind; my Yoga Mind cd has practices from 5 -20 minutes..rebalance, reboot, refresh

– You can set up a 15 minute relaxation practice

– You can do a restorative yoga pose, like legs up the wall (viparita karani)

There are many options, if you get stuck start where you are, use what you have, do what you can….and I am available for private yoga classes which will address structural, emotional, physiological imbalances so that you develop awareness and ability to find a yoga practice that meets your needs wherever you are


Let Peace Begin With me

This is beautiful. I led a class yesterday and found myself reflecting, as I talked students through the transition from savasana to the end of class, about how peace is our innermost self, beyond the masks we wear during daily life. Easy to doubt that, for sure. Life can be a frickin’ roller coaster. So it is definitely a choice to live completely stressed out or at least have a way to neutralize and re-balance. I believe my yoga practice does that for me and I am grateful for each day of insight and intentional movement.

I have seen some classes here which include 3-5 minutes of relaxation – in fact it does take around 15 minutes to really get to that altered state. You can give it a whirl any time. I have a few longer practices on my Yoga Mind Cd. Click here for some easy steps to build a home practice. I am available for private yoga classes as well. Let Peace Begin With Me.

let peace begin with me

Reap the benefits of a yoga therapy practice

yoga benefits comic











Or just read on 🙂

The benefits of a private yoga class include:

-You can ask questions

-It is tailor made for your body, lifestyle

The benefits of a yoga therapy practice are:


-Breathe better, improve energy

-change musculo skeletal patterns/posture

-cope better with stress, be calmer
-relieve pain
-improve flexibility, joint mobility, range of motion
-sleep better
-strengthen the body
-focus the mind, meditation, mindfulness
-tap into inner creativity and intelligence
-decrease negative emotions and obsessive thinking
-energize the system and fight fatigue
-improve circulation and immune system
-cardiovascular conditioning
-lifestyle management
-reconnection with spiritual heritage


Yoga Posture Should Be Steady and Light

This picture reminds me of Patanjali Sutra II.46: sthirasukhamasanam

We are a fitness culture, in the West, heavily focusing on the postural aspects of Yoga, sometimes pushing form over function.

shtira sukha
















The Sanskrit word, asanam – “posture” is actually linked to the seated posture itself, preparatory for meditation and the deeper components of the yogic system.

In postures, we look for physical firmness, and stability but also, and above that, presence, lightness, attention and stillness. In order to maintain this balance, you need to find an alignment that allows you to maintain this – without excessive force and agitation, since the goal is really to be in a state of equipoise – sattva.

Structural yoga therapy starts with an evaluation of posture and postural alignment to bring about better balance in muscle tone as well as attitude shifts that come about through this new relationship to a body that can be transformed in ways that allow better range of motion. We are not looking for what is ‘wrong’ with anyone, rather, we seek to help the individual understand how their posture has come about through their interaction with thoughts, emotions, and physical demands.

Ultimately, awareness fosters growth. Look me up for a private yoga class 


LOL it seems everyone feels better with a little stretch in their day! Yoga is for everyone but not all practices suit everyone..BUT I hear people say they ‘stretched’ and my red flag goes off…is it an aligned movement? …did they stretch the belly of the muscle or tug at the insertions?…did they pull on the joints or stabilize.  Please consider that what may seem to ease you out in the moment may not be the best solution for longevity.  Consider that over-riding sensations of pain is not the way yoga practice is intended. The concept of ahimsa/kindness is central to an asana, and this means learning and appreciating that safety is key.  Pulling on a hamstring to try to yank yourself into flexibility is foolish.  If you are not sure, I am available for private yoga lessons because our bodies are unique and learning to see yourself helps determine what will be the practices that will be best for you…that is basically the key component to yoga therapy….and don’t forget, anyone can learn to breathe and reboot

yoga-it's catching on

Being Kind To Your Body Through Yoga

“You have to learn how to listen to your body, going with it and not against it, avoiding all effort and strain and centering your attention on that very delicate point, the back of the waist (where the spine moves in two opposing directions). You will be amazed to discover that, if you are kind to your body, it will respond in an incredible way” ~ Vanda Scaravelli , Awakening The Spine

What a beautiful picture this is ~ flowers blossoming where the rib cage is and the pelvis mirrored as a butterfly. If we can learn, and I believe yoga therapy assists this, to open our body with mindful intentionality ~ whether that be with a well placed yoga prop, or just an acknowledgement that we don’t need to ‘attack’ asana, we get better results in the way of improved range of motion, ease and transformation of pain into peace.

Patience and perseverance matter as does practice (time and frequency)  Tissues will adapt according to the demands imposed on them.  That means any ‘stretch’ once a week probably won’t be sufficient  to counter the demands of the rest of the hours of the week.  Make sense? There is no fast track to flexibility, but this does not mean that all yoga therapy is ‘gentle’ however, it can be used as a treatment plan for a healthy and pain free body, or just for better performance in your daily life/sport etc.  Approach practice with kindness and you will be surprised at the benefits.

In reality, we are all individual and should be assessed and treated as such.   I’m available for private yoga classes to help you get on the right track for you.

the body as a miracle of nature

The Eight Limbs of Yoga

The Eight Limbs of Yoga  : I love this photo! We often hear the label “ashtanga” – in fact the Sanskrit word for 8 is ashta …

People are often focused on one part of the system of Yoga, the physical (asana) but actually, there is more to it as you can see below, eight Limbs of Yoga.

Asana ~ I believe that the yoga mat is a great place to take your muscles to school, but you cannot do this without the breath (pranayama). The other limbs develop as you keep on practicing. Often there will be a shift in consciousness, and you begin to be able to harness the mind, build focus, concentration, and a meditative state that lasts outside of your physical practice.  Once this grows, and it will if you nourish it by observing healthier choices (niyamas) and it does, there is no real yoga unless you are cultivating kindness (and the other yamas).

Place yourself in the practice and you will see how it bears fruit, like a tree. In fact, this is why Yoga is used with this analogy.

If you would like to learn the eight limbs of yoga practice, I am available to private yoga lessons and my cd, Yoga Mind is a download away from bringing you on site relaxation and meditation among other great options

the eight limbs of yoga

A Yoga Practice Just For YOU

An ongoing yoga practice is like a good friendship, nurturing. Poses should not be painful or scary ! When you move according to your own pace, practice can heal (yogatherapy) whether you are recovering from an injury or just have repetitive strain and stress which impede your movement.

I like this quote because to me YOGA is the highest form of self care.

Check out my fantastic blend between a yoga session and a massage called Yapana® Stretch One on One.  Or ~ I teach a balanced practice where we  build core strength and a supple body (flexibility plus joint stability).

With my background, I can show you how to find the pose with the body you have and stay safe and also learn the more subtle – because when you are not in a class, the tools of breathing and relaxing will sustain you.  In fact, you can use  my Yoga Mind Cd on its own or to accompany your other practices; so find my public yoga classes in Tenafly or I am available for private yoga classes.
give to yourself

When Nothing Goes Right, Go Yoga

I know when you feel stiff, it is harder to get on your yoga mat, but “P” is for practice and patience,perseverance and presence. It  matters how you practice because you may be repeating certain misalignments that create a painful or overly resistant practice.  Yoga should heal (yogatherapy).  A consistent yoga practice helps both prevent injury and work to rehabilitate when you are in pain or injured from life. I am available for private classes if you need help to stay consistent and safe.

Some students like an assisted practice, I offer a fantastic blend between a yoga session and a massage called Yapana® Stretch One on One.  Or ~ I teach a balanced practice where yes, you warm up, may sweat, but also build core strength and a supple body (flexibility plus joint stability).  We also learn the more subtle – I share tips some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd; so join me at 10:30 today in one of my public yoga classes in Tenafly or I am available here for private yoga classes, and we will work on your goals together; find out who you are and how yoga therapy can help cause even when nothing goes right, go yoga!

when nothing goes right go yoga