good energy is a by product of practicing yoga
Learn to walk tall ~ a healthy posture nourishes a healthy attitude
good energy is a by product of practicing yoga
Learn to walk tall ~ a healthy posture nourishes a healthy attitude
Yoga -Your opportunity For Growth And Awakening
As you get into tension areas in your body and start to undo the patterns that restrict your movement, a funny thing happens – you start to breathe better, feel more confident, respond better to daily stresses and challenges. If you are an athlete, you perform better, recuperate better. Heal. Reboot. Relax. Focus.
Yoga is like an open door into dimensions of yourself that you did not know, an opportunity to grow and awaken
A Yoga Mind Helps You React Less! A calm mind, some objectivity, and you should be good to go, empowered.
The meaning of the word yoga is to unite. We bring body, mind, breath/spirit together in our practice, we integrate compassion and kindness into the tapestry of our lives. Whatever traditions you celebrate, this is a time of renewal and regeneration. I feel this most when I am relaxed. It is all perspective : Alone ~ ALLONE
This girl is apparently doing a thinking meditation…LOL
Awareness is basic but if you have trouble going deeper through sitting practices, there are other ways to set up. Certainly breathing practices and relaxation techniques not to mention restorative yoga practices will help you calm the over thinker in you especially in times of speed and stress.
Do you find it hard to ‘get there’? Contact me for private yoga lessons for a personalized approach 🙂 or invite me to give a workshop at your yoga studio 🙂
Timing your affirmations and how to use affirmations in your yoga practice:
Any time is a good time for affirmations. I would have to say though, that the time your mind is most likely to allow the positivity to take root in your consciousness is when you are calm.
I like what this first affirmation says: “Whenever there is a problem, repeat over and over: All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe!”
If you plan to incorporate incorporate pranayama in your yoga practice; do the physical asana practice first then a brief still time before meditation / breathing. That way the mind is considerably less agitated. It’s like weeding a garden before you plant. The new seeds shouldn’t compete for nourishment with the weeds. Also, don’t worry if some resistance pops up. Re-conditioning the mind into positivity is something that takes repetition. It is actually not a far off practice from the practice of repeating a mantra. Repeat is key word here.
Try a 5 minute mindfulness of breathing then repeat the affirmation “Everything comes to me at the perfect time” and let it work into your psyche – this is a good recipe for your mind-body-spirit. Off the same cd, the Yoga Mind cd, there are relaxation practices too which I recommend. Just putting yourself in a positive state, any affirmations have better chance of getting heard by the brain 🙂
Yogatherapy for the neck is one of my favourite yogatherapy subjects! I have a perfect yogatherapy workshop entitled “Pain in the Neck” so when I found this photo I quickly chose it for today’s blog.
Here is what one new student said after a private yoga class where we focused on learning skills to improve her posture especially since she is prone to headaches:
“I feel more space in the back of my neck very cool” ~ R.G.
I think what we all need to remember is that the body eavesdrops on our thoughts, responds to our sleep positions, driving habits, and other holding patterns. Change or transformation is possible through Yoga if the right practices are used for the right person. This includes postures, modifications of postures, breathing, affirmations, insights and so on.
Today’s yogatherapy tip: just be aware how you hold your head – does it tilt, fall, is your chin lifting up? Maybe this affirmation will help you heal today, feel your head on straight with the top throat light or at least not clench up as you deal with whatever life brings your way…”It is with flexibility and ease that I see all sides of an issue…”
The state of Sattva, of balance is unveiled in peacefulness; some days we need to be extra vigilant. Two tracks you can try from my Yoga Mind cd are the Breathe For Balance and Keep Your Cool.
My Teacher always said “honor and accept” what is going on, but more as the Witness with a little objectivity. Sometimes we have a great yoga session and then once we are off the mat, get right back into the stress of it all. So practice going back to good vibes only during the day – even if you get off track, at least you know the direction you are heading. If you need a little help, I am available for private yoga classes – great way to maintain that calm, refreshed energy!
Too cute not to share. Laughter is great medicine; contentment breeds calm ~ or here’s to hoping! Naturally, a balanced Yoga practice will stimulate the endorphins; you can also do a lot with breathing exercises.
A great yoga therapy technique to simulate laughter is Kapalabhati
Your inhales can be long, passive and slow, the exhales will be shorter bursts. You can keep your hands on the belly and use them to pump the abdomen until you are comfortable and feel more adept at the rhythm.
Yoga heals…
Nice quote to set up our weekend; In the space of relaxation, set your intention towards expansion and uplifted energy. Healing takes place in the body and the mind in savasana so make sure to include it in your practice. I have 2 options for you on my Yoga Mind cd