Seeing Things

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are” ~ Anais Nin

This quote points out a really great reason to relax and let your nervous system rest and digest…And if you are one to stay away from the quieter aspects of yoga why not try on this holiday weekend? I see many students, even those who are really revved up, learn to let go with purposeful instruction from a private yoga lesson. And then, there is always just taking a good old-fashioned nap! Enjoy the Memorial Day long weekendQuote

The Process Of Yoga

Ancient Wisdom… as a Yoga Therapist I can tell you that there are definite ways of using yoga poses to heal different conditions, aches, pains, and postural mal-alignments. If you are not sure what that means but it sounds right to you, you can book a private yoga class with me. I am now located in Jersey City.    Sometimes it is just a question of doing something in a new way, or un-doing some of your old ways…


Krishnamacharya wisdom


Recycling The Past

Has anyone made mistakes? Do you find you dwell on the past or learn from it? This is a great piece of art from MOMA  and a common expression when you are on the yoga mat and begin a pose, you are tight, need to adjust, OOF….. you never want to do that again! So what do you do? It’s interesting to see what our styles are when encountering resistance or when taking a decision that isn’t right for us. So what can you do?


Using mindfulness to bring yourself into the present moment, have some objectivity about what you did, how you could do it better, then let it go as you are now prepared for what lies ahead. This is the gift of savasana in our practice, it helps us to integrate and assimilate and then see the gift of the new moment we are in

mistakes as portals




Yoga and the practice of surrender

let it go

Word of the day ishvara pranidhana ~ surrender to the divine. In the West we tend to think of this concept as a last resort, a giving up out of angst or failure. In the East, and in the spirit of the intention of Patanjali, it is more of an ongoing path/inner practices (and one of 5 niyamas). The ‘goal’ is ultimately to still the agitations of our mind, and connect us not only with the core of our own peacefulness but also to help us see the interconnectedness of all beings. Sounds huge right? I think it is more like a path of balancing well intended action with letting go once we have done our best, standing aside in trust that we are connected to a source of universal power greater than our understanding.

Forward bends can be particularly soothing, with the head lower than the heart; in this photo, I would add a block or two under the head – it is very calming


Daily Dose of Wisdom

Such a perfect snippet of wisdom…this is a time of renewal for many of us…so exhale long and deep and let go the challenges of winter.

If you are trying to fit in some healthy self-reflection, read this before you walk, or do a yoga session, let it simmer into your consciousness. Make sure to relax after and/or do some yoga based calming  breathing. Read it again. See which line springs out at you and then practice that for awhile. Re-building blocks


rebuild life



start where you are


This is encouraging. A few people I have spoken to lately say they lack motivation. They all have different reasons. I think sometimes the projects we are trying to get motivation for are very big compared to the energy level we have. We spend so much time ‘doing’ What to do about bringing balance?

– You can try to sit quietly for a few minutes and unwind; my Yoga Mind cd has practices from 5 -20 minutes..rebalance, reboot, refresh

– You can set up a 15 minute relaxation practice

– You can do a restorative yoga pose, like legs up the wall (viparita karani)

There are many options, if you get stuck start where you are, use what you have, do what you can….and I am available for private yoga classes which will address structural, emotional, physiological imbalances so that you develop awareness and ability to find a yoga practice that meets your needs wherever you are


Being Light And Free Through Yoga

Word of the day – freedom or ‘jivan-mukta=living liberated; the one who is liberated and unagitated in daily life’ whether it is better range of motion for daily life or for your sport, a feeling of serenity during a busy day, the benefits to a consistent Yoga practice are fruitful.  Let’s work together to keep you feeling lighter and freer.  I have some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd; -or join one of my public yoga classes in Tenafly or book your private yoga class with me, we will work on your goals togetherbeing light and free