





savasana isn’t just the 15 minutes at the end of your yoga class, it is a stand-alone practice… why not create a window today?

Benefits of Relaxation:

– deepening your breathing,
– reducing stress hormones,
– slowing down heart rate and blood pressure,
– relaxing your muscles
– increases energy and focus,
– combats illness,
– relieves aches and pains,
– heightens problem-solving abilities,
– boosts motivation and productivity
– increases happiness, by releasing dopamine, seratonin, oxytocin and other immunomodulators to change brain chemistry

Starting a Relaxation Practice:

All you need is the desire or motivation! Even the most stressed out individual can learn how!  Rana Waxman can help you determine which techniques are best suited to you, and her Therapeutic Yoga Program is designed to help you learn a sustainable relaxation practice. Learn to move from GO GO GO to LETTING GO – it is vital to a healthy lifestyle.