Reiki Energy

Reiki Energy:

“just for today do not worry,

just for today, do not anger

Honor your parents, teachers and elders

Earn your living honestly

Show gratitude to every living thing”

What is reiki energy? Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. It is ‘done’ by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy“, (called Qi or prana) flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.

I have practiced this for many years, and sometimes introduce some self-healing into my yoga classes. It is usually deeply relaxing. This state of relaxation is what promotes healing. I have one track on my Yoga Mind cd, that uses some of the healing principles and healing energy so that you, the practitioner, can learn to enter this deep state of calm and thus access the benefits of the modality. When you are relaxed, and in a non-stressed state, you are more at one with the “universal healing energy”, which is expressed by the above principles. For practitioners and participants, this relaxed state is key and one that should be practiced regularly.



reiki healing

reiki healing