free yoga in jersey city heights

free yoga










free yoga in jersey city heights

this weekend, on Saturday October 25th come meet me for a free yoga class in jersey city heights…bring a friend! I have 3 classes on the schedule right now with several workshops in the making

Q.How can I FEEL BETTER through YOGA?

A. Regular practice of YOGA will help you FEEL BETTER by
*Increasing strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance
*Lubricating joints, tendons, ligaments
*Improving overall mood and energy level
*Working out tensions in the body
*Preventing disease
*Detoxifying the body and delaying the ageing process
*Helps control overactive emotions
*Decongesting the toxins from the organs glands and deep tissues

Q. How can I THINK BETTER through YOGA?

A. Regular practice of YOGA will help you THINK BETTER by
*Harnessing the power of your mind
*Improving memory
*Improving communications skills and creativity
*Decreasing the effects of stress through its meditative aspect
*Helps create focus and inner balance
*Quiets mind so one becomes freer to make better decisions
*Peace of mind creates efficiency and productivity

Q.How can I LEAD A BETTER LIFE through YOGA?

A. Regular practice of YOGA will help you LEAD a BETTER Life by
*Teaching self-mastery
*Access inner resources of confidence and inspiration
*Improves performance
*Long -lasting sense of inner happiness an positive outlook
*Access intuition
* Free-spirited ness that translates into being centered during stressful situations