Your Postural Core And The Role Of Yoga

As you can see, the load we put on our spine can create certain imbalances. We each have a postural core – so what is the role of yoga? As a psycho-somatic discipline it means that everything we think,do, feel is reflected in our bodies (body-mind-spirit=one)

Finding out who you are before you step onto a yoga mat is useful, especially in finding your path and practices to move toward symmetry. Beyond that, the more subtle aspects of yoga practice can show us areas and patterns of thinking and acting that only add more stress and load.

Awareness is the key. Even for something as simple – for this skeleton as stopping to hold the telephone with one ear…but you can see how even the basic pose – tadasana – standing mountain, would be a challenge to maintain.

Once we understand and make connections between muscles, posture, movement, impingement, we can then bring in a series of remedies to help create more ease for the individual. This is basically the goal of the therapeutic approach of yoga. I think that once a student is empowered through a private yoga class assessment, they have an increased knowledge base for practicing on their own, or in group classes where the cues may not address their specific situation.
spinal imbalances

Plank like an expert

So cute! Just look at that supple spine, and how, although we know this asana takes strength from the arms, the lack of tension in the shoulders makes it seem so effortless ~ the blend of strength and flexibility, plus the calm breath

How do we, as adults, re-create this? Often we have to let go something to ‘achieve’ something else.  One of the things you want to consider in plank pose is safety in the wrists.

If you are starting in downward facing dog, inhale and draw your torso forward until the arms are stacked with shoulders directly over the wrists, torso parallel to the floor.

Press your outer arms inward, firming the bases of your index fingers into the floor. Keep your shoulder blades against your back, with some expansion from the spine. Also spread your collarbones away from the sternum.

Draw your front thighs up toward the ceiling, but resist your tailbone toward the heels. Lift the base of the skull away from the back of the neck and look straight down at the floor, keeping the throat and eyes soft.

As with any Yapana® yoga therapy practice, we modify with strategic prop placement depending on who you are and what needs to be worked or relaxed. That is where a private yoga class comes in handy, as it assesses you

plank like an expert

Yoga and the Art of Stretching

Do you sacrifice function for form? Do you overdo? Push too hard? Poses should not be painful ! Practice should heal (yogatherapy).  This does not mean that you will not be challenged, but the approach is more precise, better body biomechancs and safety. Check out my fantastic blend between a yoga session and a massage called Yapana® Stretch One on One.  Or ~ I teach a balanced practice where yes, you warm up, may sweat, but also build core strength and a supple body (flexibility plus joint stability).  We also learn the more subtle – I share tips some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd; -and join one of my public yoga classes in Tenafly or book your private yoga class with me, we will work on your goals together

stretch and kvetch

Yoga Can Help You Feel More balanced

Poses should not be painful ! Practice should heal (yogatherapy).  Check out my fantastic blend between a yoga session and a massage called Yapana® Stretch One on One.  Or ~ I teach a balanced practice where yes, you warm up, may sweat, but also build core strength and a supple body (flexibility plus joint stability).  We also learn the more subtle – I share tips some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd; -and join one of my public yoga classes in Tenafly or book your private yoga class with me, we will work on your goals together; find out who you are and how yoga therapy can help

Imbalanced ? Yogatherapy to the rescue

Need Help With Your Forward Bends ?

Poses should not be painful ! Practice should heal (yogatherapy).  Check out my fantastic blend between a yoga session and a massage called Yapana® Stretch One on One.  Or ~ I teach a balanced practice where we  build core strength and a supple body (flexibility plus joint stability).  I can show you how to find the pose with the body you have and stay safe. We also learn the more subtle – I share tips some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd; -and join one of my public yoga classes in Tenafly or book your private yoga class with me, we will work on your goals together

wide legged forward fold

Here is How To Take A Yoga Break Right Now

Learn simple yoga practices and adapt them to your surroundings and amount of time you have for practice.  I would advise to be cautious – it looks like she is throwing her head back, you want to lengthen the front body not throw the head back, but looks like a great option to do at your desk! Add a breathing practice and little relaxation and you have a little yoga break

seated sun salutations

Staying fit and flexible with Yoga

yoga demands that we develop not only strength in body but in mind. The yogi knows that the physical body is not only the temple for our soul but the means by which we embark on the inward journey toward the core” ~ BKS Iyengar, Light on Life

Whether you are an athlete or a weekend warrior, or just like to keep fit, a balance is always healthy between strength and flexibility.  Interested? Come take class with me – I am in Bergen County, New Jersey and offer private yoga lessons and a few public yoga classes

tree pose Rana














chair pose Rana