“if you have a problem in your body, your body will naturally move away from it in order to avoid pain and discomfort”- Dr. Jason Skolar, chiropractor.
“tapah-svadhyaya-Isvara-pranidhanani kriya-yogah:
In order to practice being whole, an inner fire, constant study, and a devotion to things spiritual are required” – Patanjali Sutra 11.1, translation Kofi Busia
“By practicing yoga with a warrior’s courage and an infant’s vulnerability, we can embrace stiffness and flexibility, likes and loathings, the sunlit and moon-shadowed” – Ronnie Paul, Yoga With An Attitude, Yoga International Magazine Continue reading
Category Archives: stress relief
Transition and the Modern Yogi(ni)
anitya-asuci-duhka-anatmasu-nitya-suci-sukha-atma-khyatih-avidya: Ignorance is the confusion of the temporary with the permanent, the pure with the impure, anguish with the pleasure of being, and the relative with the absolute – Patanjali: Sutra 11.5, B. Bouanchaud, The Essence of Yoga
“If you are doing anything big and worthwhile in life, you are going to flush up some uncomfortable feelings” – G. Hendricks, K. Ludeman, The Corporate Mystic
“It takes a brave heart to deeply accept that everything changes” – Judith Lasater, Living Your Yoga Continue reading
zen and the art of summer living
“A healthy life is a life in balance. Yoga practise offers an opportunity for learning about dynamic balance. Maintaining mind-body balance provides the best platform to make karmically correct choices, enabling you to perform actions in the most efficient way. A life in balance is a life in dharma, for every action supports the evolutionary flow of life in which minimal resistance and maximum success are generated” – Deepak Chopra, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

Body Language and the Modern Yogini
“Pain has a definite way of getting our attention. It is difficult to deny deep pain. All our attention goes to that place. Yet in deep sleep it seems to go away or lessen.” -Nischala Joy Devi, The Healing Path of Yoga
“Mindful awareness has this great capacity to free us from the self-imposed limitations of our fears and thoughts.” – Tara Bennett-Goleman, Emotional Alchemy Continue reading
Challenge and the Modern Yogini
“Aversion is the consequence of displeasure
duhkhanusayi dvesah” -Patanjai- Yoga Sutra 11.8
“Repulsion, or aversion, is based on past experience and the mental permeation that follows it. Whether conscious or not, it remains sealed in the memory, taking no account of the way the situation has evolved”. – Bernard Bouanchaud, The Essence of Yoga
“Consistent asana and meditation practice will improve the way your energy flows, and this will change the way you experience yourself – transforming the way you perceive and relate to the world” – Erich Schiffmann, Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving Into Stillness Continue reading
Yoga and the Emotions (part 1)
“Yoga can also challenge you by bringing you face-to-face with your emotions-not always an easy place to be” – Patricia Walden : The Woman’s Book of Yoga & HealthWell, it is another blogpost where I do not offer asana breakdowns and benefits. I would much prefer to have you in a class, face to face, and evaluate your needs with you. There are umpteen ways to do each posture. Some with support of bolsters, blocks, straps, some just easing into gravity, some intensifying your reach with your own body weight…..
What is “right”? Continue reading
Here are a few well-recognised reasons to start YOGA Continue reading
Sunday Blue Monday?
Last Monday I had a conversation with someone who said they HATED Mondays. “I don’t know why but I am exhausted, even though I did nothing”, he complained. I have heard many times from clients that their worst night sleep is Sunday night. For many, it is restless, with the mind taking control and going over every detail for the next day’s schedule. For others, there just hasn’t been enough downtime to really feel like they had a break. Continue reading
The pause that refreshes
The title of this blog is inspired by an iced tea commercial that used to air in summer. Continue reading
Driving the Speed Limit
This is a subject that was on my mind for awhile, but more prominently so today. I was crossing the street on a green light, when a car literally whizzed by -turning right, 10 seconds away from knocking me over like a bowling pin. It was obvious that they wanted to make the green light, but at what cost? Continue reading