The Om Symbol Breakdown

The OM Mantra

Using a mantra, such as the classic OM, also pronounced AUM, can be transformative;

it is not about mindless repetition though – so if you use one, the more you understand about it, the more you vibrate on its frequency.I typically start and or end a yoga class with 3 rounds chanted in unison.

Maybe knowing what it is about, you will be more inclined to embrace the chant. (I have seen it and heard it chanted with more of an “OOO” but also enunciated where the sound is more AUM) ~ Typically for a practice like that we inhale rather fully, with the exhale let the A resonate in the belly, the U resonate in the chest, and the M resonate in the top throat…

“Om is the all encompassing cosmic vibration of the universe”

The OM Symbol breakdown

Let me mention, I am not the author of this beautiful chart and I must have found it from the Internet, where I am only assuming, it is safe to borrow from. This is a great breakdown of the symbol which we see everywhere.

The Om encompasses the waking, dream and unconscious states. As we develop spiritually, we pass through the illusion that is said to veil us and prevent us from moving towards the Absolute state of consciousness

Hopefully even just reading about the symbolism transports your consciousness 🙂 enjoy and see if you can fit some practice in along side your pranayama

om infograpphic

Daily Dose of Wisdom

Such a perfect snippet of wisdom…this is a time of renewal for many of us…so exhale long and deep and let go the challenges of winter.

If you are trying to fit in some healthy self-reflection, read this before you walk, or do a yoga session, let it simmer into your consciousness. Make sure to relax after and/or do some yoga based calming  breathing. Read it again. See which line springs out at you and then practice that for awhile. Re-building blocks


rebuild life


Timing Your Affirmations

Timing your affirmations and how to use affirmations in your yoga practice:

Any time is a good time for affirmations. I would have to say though, that the time your mind is most likely to allow the positivity to take root in your consciousness is when you are calm.

I like what this first affirmation says: “Whenever there is a problem, repeat over and over: All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe!”


If you plan to incorporate incorporate pranayama in your yoga practice;  do the physical asana practice first then a brief still time before meditation / breathing. That way the mind is considerably less agitated. It’s like weeding a garden before you plant. The new seeds shouldn’t compete for nourishment with the weeds. Also, don’t worry if some resistance pops up. Re-conditioning the mind into positivity is something that takes repetition. It is actually not a far off practice from the practice of repeating a mantra. Repeat is key word here.

Try a 5 minute mindfulness of breathing then repeat the affirmation “Everything comes to me at the perfect time” and let it work into your psyche – this is a good recipe for your mind-body-spirit. Off the same cd, the Yoga Mind cd, there are relaxation practices too which I recommend. Just putting yourself in a positive state, any affirmations have better chance of getting heard by the brain 🙂
