yoga relaxation techniques

Yoga relaxation techniques. I don’t know if everyone wakes up refreshed. Sometimes we sleep an agitated sleep, with tossing and turning. I think the best way to sleep well is to practice yoga relaxation techniques in the daytime. Even 15 minutes a day can make a difference. Setting aside the time is the first step. Now, some folks need a bit or a lot of movement before their mind can settle. In the yogic system, the postures are a spring board for the mind to relax. However, just doing an hour of movement without the still part does nothing – no integration, no balance, no learning. Yes, yoga relaxation techniques are learned – and then you need to practice them. You can find three different ways to set up for either a seated, or lying down posture on my Yoga Mind Cd. There, you will find breathing exercises, visualization techniques, and relaxation exercises. Any of these can accompany your practice or be practiced on their own. Refresh your mind when it is at its busiest through yoga relaxation techniques so that when you go to sleep, your mind remembers how to turn itself off. You can’t expect it to get there without a bit of guidance!

yoga relaxation techniques

Private Yoga Class With Your Partner

Private Yoga Class With Your Partner

How are you enjoying your weekend? This couple pictured here kicked off their weekend with a Partner Yoga Class. Want a great way to build inner peace for yourself and with your special someone? Book a semi-private yoga class with your partner. This was a simple savasana, with some under the knee prop support from the soft 3 minute eggs it just eases out the lower back…Now, that doesn’t mean that the two of you require the same things from your yoga practice. The nice thing about a partner yoga class is that it does meet your unique needs. I believe yoga should make sense to each person, and that each person has or may have, a different take-away. How great! You get to feel good and then talk about it and have a kind of special bonding. Basically, the average class is 60 minutes and you can contact me about pricing and so on. It is definitely the best of both worlds, spending time together with your partner, but also, having the personal internal experience that yoga brings us. Why wait for a vacation to do this? It is so accessible on a weekly basis.

Partner Yoga on a Saturday Morning.

Yoga For Stillness Amidst Chaos

Yoga For Stillness Amidst Chaos

What is it that makes you feel calm when things are pretty stressful ? I think the point is not to be perfect but to have tips and tools at your fingertips to calm yourself down, find your inner peace (you may lose it again!?). Sometimes your yoga practice has to be almost snuck into a chaotic life. Do it no matter what is going on. This is a beautiful poem by Thich Nhat Hanh:

Breathing in,

I establish myself

in the present moment.

Breathing out,

I know that this is

a wonderful moment

Yoga For Stillness Amidst Chaos

When you do get to a physical practice, the reason restorative yoga is gaining in popularity is that, in part, speed is sometimes un-grounding. Set a realistic pace that has both lightness and firmness on and off your yoga mat today and see how this translates to your nervous system. True sometimes we need more “energy” but it is more a question of finding balance…

If you like listening to an ipod or other device, there are some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd that you can carry with you and hopefully you will “walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet”
walk as if...


light within

What a lovely affirmation !

Yoga Sutra 1.36 tells of the inner light within us all : visoka va jyotismati ~ mental stability also stems from serenity linked to luminous lucidity ~ Bounchaud

So for today, just let the light from the center of your heart radiate. You can also download my Golden Light Healing Relaxation practice for a full body-mind experience

light within

Sunny Day Savasana

Sunny Day Savasana: Summer may feel relaxing but the extra light and heat coupled with more sitting (car? soccer watching? cycling?) plus walking/standing/running can often leave the body out of whack. More than a stretch, a passive way to restore balance is to set yourself up for a 15 minute savasana. For guided yoga based relaxation practices, download my YOGA MIND cd

Here is a photo where the back legs from behind the knee crease to the heels is supported. Guaranteed to please. I absolutely love to have my calves and feet elevated. I obviously have a lot of props and bolsters in my studio – you can substitute with blankets and or folded towels or cushions that are firm.

Sunny Day Savasana

For a personalized approach contact me. The benefits of relaxation (savasana) are numerous:

– savasana allows you to deepen your breathing,
– savasana reduces stress hormones,
– savasana slows down heart rate and blood pressure,
– savasana un-tenses your muscles
– savasana increases energy and focus,
– savasana combats illness,
– savasana relieves aches and pains,
– savasana heightens problem-solving abilities by turning down the thinking mind
– savasana boosts motivation and productivity – rest and digest !
– savasana increases happiness, by releasing dopamine, seratonin, oxytocin and other immunomodulators to change brain chemistry

so what are you going to practice ?


Recycling The Past

Has anyone made mistakes? Do you find you dwell on the past or learn from it? This is a great piece of art from MOMA  and a common expression when you are on the yoga mat and begin a pose, you are tight, need to adjust, OOF….. you never want to do that again! So what do you do? It’s interesting to see what our styles are when encountering resistance or when taking a decision that isn’t right for us. So what can you do?


Using mindfulness to bring yourself into the present moment, have some objectivity about what you did, how you could do it better, then let it go as you are now prepared for what lies ahead. This is the gift of savasana in our practice, it helps us to integrate and assimilate and then see the gift of the new moment we are in

mistakes as portals




Calm Mind = Heaven

The key=relaxation.

Benefits of Relaxation:

– deepening your breathing,
– reducing stress hormones,
– slowing down heart rate and blood pressure,
– relaxing your muscles
– increases energy and focus,
– combats illness,
– relieves aches and pains,
– heightens problem-solving abilities,
– boosts motivation and productivity
– increases happiness, by releasing dopamine, seratonin, oxytocin and other immunomodulators to change brain chemistry

To start a practice click here or contact me for private yoga classes. 

mind carries heaven

Happy Easter Asana

Yoga as Therapy tip of the day:  Savasana – there are so many ways to set up for it. You really just need a 15 minute or so window. Many classes are run with 3-5 minute practices – this does not provide adequate rest to the body or nervous system; although it is a good idea to have a short ‘time-out’ after practice if you are then going to include a pranayama or meditation. You will go deeper; and remember – it is called “practice” so just look at it like that and enjoy 🙂

easter bunny savasana