Yoga and the practice of surrender

let it go

Word of the day ishvara pranidhana ~ surrender to the divine. In the West we tend to think of this concept as a last resort, a giving up out of angst or failure. In the East, and in the spirit of the intention of Patanjali, it is more of an ongoing path/inner practices (and one of 5 niyamas). The ‘goal’ is ultimately to still the agitations of our mind, and connect us not only with the core of our own peacefulness but also to help us see the interconnectedness of all beings. Sounds huge right? I think it is more like a path of balancing well intended action with letting go once we have done our best, standing aside in trust that we are connected to a source of universal power greater than our understanding.

Forward bends can be particularly soothing, with the head lower than the heart; in this photo, I would add a block or two under the head – it is very calming


Rana Waxman Rana Waxman (819 Posts)

Rana Waxman is a registered yoga therapist ERYT-500, with 20 years of teaching experience. Rana is a freelance writer and social media expert in addition to leading yoga workshops internationally and teaching alignment focused private and group Yoga Lessons in Hoboken and Jersey City NJ.

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