Are some poses meant for fun?

In every pose, that which steadies is the breath. That being said, just because you are “deep breathing” doesn’t mean you are working within your safe stretching limits.

“the perfection of the body consists of (possessing) beauty, charm, strength, and the power of a thunderbolt” ~ Patanjali

Let us not forget discrimination, knowing how to listen to your body, your instincts and just practicality. Standing on your head, on a towel, with your neck bent  in a tripod headstand (see below) not smart.

Learning how to do this posture to release tight upper trapezius and gain core strength ~ Ah, now there is a reason to learn yoga as therapy – not as fun/performance art…No offense Marilyn, but I would not be smiling in your set-up. If this sounds remotely practical and way more sensible you should contact me for private yoga lessons

Marilyn Monroe -tripod headstand