Monday meaningful quotes

Monday meaningful quotes:  A precious human life by His Holiness the x1v th Dalai Lama

“Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it, I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others, to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings, I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry, or think badly about others, I am going to benefit others as much as I can”

What I love about these words is the celebratory nature. we spend a lot of time evaluating the good and bad of each day, often times, focusing on the burden or stress of the day, the sloshing of the daily grind, and the tasks on our plate. This goes beyond that.

Who inspires and motivates you to stay uplifted and purposeful? Do you have a morning wake up routine that puts you in a positive frame of mind? I have developed a few practices that are stand-alone or add-on to your yoga practice, your coffee break, your commute. Check out my Yoga Mind cd for a portable window into peace and positivity, two building blocks of a purposeful day. And print a copy of this beautiful piece that is written by someone whose intention is to elevate.

meaningful quotes

Yoga For Inner And Outer Strength

Word of the day: PRATYAHARA  (Withdrawal of the Senses) The senses look outward and can be distracting and stress-inducing; learning to go within to find the calm inner sanctuary

A balanced practice cultivates both inner and outer strength; For this moment, check out some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd; then join one of my public yoga classes in Tenafly or book your private yoga class with me; we will build inner and outer strength which isn’t always what you predict it will be.

stillness amidst chaos

The benefits of Consistent Yoga Practice

Consistent practice matters and the way you practice should heal (yogatherapy).  A consistent yoga practice helps and private classes help you stay consistent.  Check out my fantastic blend between a yoga session and a massage called Yapana® Stretch One on One.  Or ~ I teach a balanced practice where yes, you warm up, may sweat, but also build core strength and a supple body (flexibility plus joint stability).  We also learn the more subtle – I share tips some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd; -and join one of my public yoga classes in Tenafly or book your private yoga class with me, we will work on your goals together; find out who you are and how yoga therapy can help. For all the benefits click here 

keep knocking - Rumi