zen and the art of summer living

“A healthy life is a life in balance.  Yoga practise offers an opportunity for learning about dynamic balance.  Maintaining mind-body balance provides the best platform to make karmically correct choices, enabling you to perform actions in the most efficient way.  A life in balance is a life in dharma, for every action supports the evolutionary flow of life in which minimal resistance and maximum success are generated” – Deepak Chopra, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

Every summer I get new business as people injure themselves from some preventable situations…so I have decided to give some simple tips to keep everyone out of as much trouble as possible.  Life is so much easier if you do not ignore your weaknesses and/or add a bit of mindfulness to break out of auto-pilot. Continue reading

Yoga and the Emotions (part 1)

“We crave solace and comfort. We long for freedom-not the freedom from our lives, but the freedom we can find within our lives”
“Yoga can also challenge you by bringing you face-to-face with your emotions-not always an easy place to be” – Patricia Walden : The Woman’s Book of Yoga & HealthWell, it is another blogpost where I do not offer asana breakdowns and benefits.  I would much prefer to have you in a class, face to face, and evaluate your needs with you.  There are umpteen ways to do each posture.  Some with support of bolsters, blocks, straps, some just easing into gravity, some intensifying your reach with your own body weight…..

What is “right”? Continue reading

Driving the Speed Limit

This is a subject that was on my mind for awhile, but more prominently so today.  I was crossing the street on a green light, when a car literally whizzed by -turning right, 10 seconds away from knocking me over like a bowling pin. It was obvious that they wanted to make the green light, but at what cost? Continue reading