Good Vibes

The state of Sattva, of balance is unveiled in peacefulness; some days we need to be extra vigilant. Two tracks you can try from my Yoga Mind cd are the Breathe For Balance and Keep Your Cool.

My Teacher always said “honor and accept” what is going on, but more as the Witness with a little objectivity. Sometimes we have a great yoga session and then once we are off the mat, get right back into the stress of it all. So practice going back to good vibes only during the day – even if you get off track, at least you know the direction you are heading. If you need a little help, I am available for private yoga classes – great way to maintain that calm, refreshed energy!

good vibes

Menu of The Day : Health and Wellness

Let’s start with a balanced yoga class. I teach today in Tenafly at 10:30 ( we may actually do some balancing poses!)  ~ and/or

Add a balanced breathing practice from my Yoga Mind cd at the end of the day to unwind after being so busy ~ and/or

Book a private yoga class with me to assess your needs and assist you in creating a personal practice and a balanced you
Menu of the day

Yoga For Inner And Outer Strength

Word of the day: PRATYAHARA  (Withdrawal of the Senses) The senses look outward and can be distracting and stress-inducing; learning to go within to find the calm inner sanctuary

A balanced practice cultivates both inner and outer strength; For this moment, check out some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd; then join one of my public yoga classes in Tenafly or book your private yoga class with me; we will build inner and outer strength which isn’t always what you predict it will be.

stillness amidst chaos

Yoga Can Help You Feel More balanced

Poses should not be painful ! Practice should heal (yogatherapy).  Check out my fantastic blend between a yoga session and a massage called Yapana® Stretch One on One.  Or ~ I teach a balanced practice where yes, you warm up, may sweat, but also build core strength and a supple body (flexibility plus joint stability).  We also learn the more subtle – I share tips some breathing and relaxing tips on my Yoga Mind Cd; -and join one of my public yoga classes in Tenafly or book your private yoga class with me, we will work on your goals together; find out who you are and how yoga therapy can help

Imbalanced ? Yogatherapy to the rescue